Saturday, July 7, 2012

worse than a plateau.

+1 pound.
eff eff eff eff eff eff eff.

I'm frustrated.  But I'm trying so hard not to get frustrated.  They're just stupid scale numbers.  I place too much emphasis on scale numbers.

My back is slowly getting better, but I'm still not 100%.  I did get a massage, but not nearly enough time was spent on my lower back, where I needed it most.  Not the therapist's fault at all...its a massage school, so she was learning.  She did a great job on my upper back though!  Worked out all the kinks from temping coffee and the silly stress that comes with the job.

I feel so out of tune with my body.  I don't even know if I can explain it, but I feel completely out of sync.  Usually, I can tell when I'm starting to get hungry, or when a hunger pang is really just something else--I'm dehydrated, or I just saw someone eating ice  But now, I feel completely out of whack.  I get CRAZY cravings for sugar and sweets.   Sometimes, I'll wake up and be ravenously hungry, and other times, the idea of food makes me sick to my stomach.  Yesterday, I went all day without eating.  I was out running errands, and probably didn't eat for 8 hours.  But the day before that, I found myself snacking all day long.  I just  I don't know if it was the juice fast or what, but I feel slightly out of control of my hunger, of my body.  And I'm struggling.  I can admit that.  I'm just not sure exactly what to do about it besides telling myself, "Okay, it's time to buckle down and get back to business."

Last week, I did manage to walk 6 out of the 7 days.  At least a mile each time, and twice a little over 3 miles.  Yesterday, Justin and I went to water aerobics, and I did fairly well.  There were a couple of the core water workouts where as soon as I bent to one side, pain shot down my lower back.  Needless to say I skipped those ones and just kicked around.

I'm not really sure what my plan is for this week.  Eat less?  Maybe eat more core foods.  Weight watchers has 2 types of plans--the tracking, which I'm doing now.  Or, you can do the "simply filling" technique where you don't track points as long as you only eat off the list of "filling" foods.  I don't know.  Maybe I'll just eat salad all week.  I need something.  Hopefully I'll figure out what it is.

Current weight: 137 pounds
Weight to lose to reach final goal: 7 pounds
Total weight loss: 87 pounds