Friday, June 11, 2010

Almost got my vacation weight off.

Oops, apparently I forgot to update last week!
So last week was -0.7 lbs.
This week was -0.9 lbs.

I'm creeping back down.  But honestly, I haven't "tried" to lose weight at all these last two weeks.  When I came home, I went back to eating my usually vegetables, turkey meat, and fiber bread.  But I like those things now, so I don't necessarily consider it my diet foods anymore.  They're just the food I eat!  (Positive outlook, if I say so myself!)  :)

I NEED to get back into an exercise regime.  I absolutely hate that I can't go to the rec center this summer without paying for it, but I can't bring myself to fork over $86 for two months.  We live relatively close to the track, and I was just going to walk there and then walk/run around it to get my fix, but its seriously been the crappiest weather here for the past 2ish weeks.  Justin and I haven't even really been able to walk at night like we were doing at this time last year because its cold!  In June!  But that's a whole other rant altogether.

Justin and I are officially playing soccer for Pullman Parks and Rec.  The games start the 22nd and go for a month.  We'll play 2 games a week, on Tuesday and Thursday.  I'm super stoked.  AND, it will be a form of exercise.  I used to get into pretty good shape when I played soccer, so I'm excited about that.  I just can't wait for it to start!  :)  My team wanted to practice yesterday, since I haven't touched a soccer ball in 3 or so years, but yesterday we had a freakin' typhoon or something, and it was canceled.

Well, I need to get ready to go to work!

Current weight: 171.9 lbs
Weight to lose until 155:  16.9 lbs

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