Friday, May 20, 2011

Moving forward...again!

On Sunday, January 9th, 2011, I made a mini-goal of losing 5% of what I weighed at that time.  It was 8.7 pounds.

This morning, when I stepped on the scale, I finally made that goal, plus a little more. 
It took more a little more than NINETEEN WEEKS to lose 9 pounds.  Excuse my french, but that effing sucks.  A LOT.

This morning when I stepped on the scale, after almost 3 weeks of not doing so, I did lose 2.4 pounds,
which was super exciting!  But then, when I went back to see when I had started my mini-goal, I was pretty disappointed in myself to see how little progress I had made in my last semester at school. 

But that's okay!  It's summer, which for me has always been the best time to make progress in my weight loss journey.  And I really don't have anything better to do right now then exercise.  I'm working 20-ish hours a week, and the rest of the time, I facebook and watch Grey's...haha.

Yesterday I did go on an epic walk--3.2 miles around Burien with just my iPod to keep me company.  It was fantastic because the sun was shining and I got to wear shorts.  :)  Aaannndddd I did make a pit stop at my favorite thrift store, which lead to the finding and the purchasing of a Banana Republic top and a dress for a grand total of $3.46!  :)

Today I'm going to explore the downtown area and go to the library.  I got my library card in the mail yesterday, which pretty much makes me an official Burien-ite.  :)  Not having a car to drive right now is actually really good for me, because then I just walk everywhere instead!

As for goals, I'll just shoot for another 5% of my current weight, which would be 8.2 pounds.  And hopefully this time it won't take 19 weeks to finish.  I'm hoping more like 4-6 weeks.  :)

Current weight: 165.1
New 5% goal weight to lose: 8.2

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New town

All moved into Burien.  Still haven't adjusted to the idea that I'm not on "vacation" and that I won't be returning to Pullman at the end of the week.

Didn't get a weigh-in for this past weekend.  My entire apartment was in boxes and had 9 family members in town...didn't have the time...haha.

Now that we're moved into Justin's parent's place, I need to readjust/figure out my eating.  I ate a lean cuisine tonight for dinner, but obviously I don't want to eat frozen meals for dinner every single night while the rest of the family eats dinners that I shouldn't.  I just hate to be an imposition (Justin says that's not a, and ask them to change meals for me.  I think I'll cook for them some nights and then other nights I'll just deal.

I had a slight nervous breakdown in Albertson's yesterday.  I was trying to shop for my diet foods, and had a freak out due to how much more expensive my diet essentials are compared to at Walmart/Winco.  That, added to the stress of leaving Pullman and graduating all in the same weekend, and I temporarily lost it.  I couldn't believe they were charging $4 each for laughing cow cheese, non-fat spray butter, and my favorite bagels!  Ludicrous.

I did go secure my job at the Old Navy in Tukwila, so its nice to know I have an income again to support my expensive food habits...haha.

I've looked into a few exercise options here in Burien, but I think for now I'll just stick with exercising on my own.  Its practically summer, so Justin and I can walk places (which we have the past two evenings), and I can take the fatty family dog Junie on runs with me during the day.  :)  Oh! and there are exercise routines on demand in the basement (including cardio kickboxing! awesome!)

It's going to be okay.  :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

I need to remember to update on the weekends


This last week was literally nuts for me.  Justin's gone, attempting to pack, do my own dishes, go to work, go to class, AND get my finals done.  I ate pretty haphazardly, sometimes going all day without eating and then eating badly for dinner.

Wasn't a good week at all.  I worked out on Saturday, and I'll be heading to the rec again tonight.
I wish I would've pulled up the rec schedule earlier today...they have free fitness classes all week, but the last one started at 7.

I'm going to finish my math final, and then head to work out.  I only have 1 more unit plan, and a reflective art piece to finish out my undergraduate career.  Crazy.