Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New town

All moved into Burien.  Still haven't adjusted to the idea that I'm not on "vacation" and that I won't be returning to Pullman at the end of the week.

Didn't get a weigh-in for this past weekend.  My entire apartment was in boxes and had 9 family members in town...didn't have the time...haha.

Now that we're moved into Justin's parent's place, I need to readjust/figure out my eating.  I ate a lean cuisine tonight for dinner, but obviously I don't want to eat frozen meals for dinner every single night while the rest of the family eats dinners that I shouldn't.  I just hate to be an imposition (Justin says that's not a word...lol), and ask them to change meals for me.  I think I'll cook for them some nights and then other nights I'll just deal.

I had a slight nervous breakdown in Albertson's yesterday.  I was trying to shop for my diet foods, and had a freak out due to how much more expensive my diet essentials are compared to at Walmart/Winco.  That, added to the stress of leaving Pullman and graduating all in the same weekend, and I temporarily lost it.  I couldn't believe they were charging $4 each for laughing cow cheese, non-fat spray butter, and my favorite bagels!  Ludicrous.

I did go secure my job at the Old Navy in Tukwila, so its nice to know I have an income again to support my expensive food habits...haha.

I've looked into a few exercise options here in Burien, but I think for now I'll just stick with exercising on my own.  Its practically summer, so Justin and I can walk places (which we have the past two evenings), and I can take the fatty family dog Junie on runs with me during the day.  :)  Oh! and there are exercise routines on demand in the basement (including cardio kickboxing! awesome!)

It's going to be okay.  :)

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