Saturday, September 26, 2009


Dang, I gained 0.2 of a, so nothing really.  200.8 pounds.

But I didn't lose.  :(
Its okay though, I was prepared for this.  Last weekend was horrible.  Drank a lot, and when I drink, I get the most ridiculous munchies.  I think I was putting easy cheese on cheeze-its with Stephen.  Ew.  So that probably has a lot to do with this, plus, I had a few coffees this week because I've been so tired and not sleeping very well.  If I get a tall, nonfat sugarfree caramal machiatto from starbucks, its only two points.  But I was getting mochas from other places, and I have no idea how bad those are.
And I missed a day of water aerobics due to not feeling good and being at the doctor.

I know these all sound like excuses, well, because they are, but at least I know what I did that got in the way.  And next week, I can get more sleep, attend class, quick drinking those mochas, and get my ass back in gear

This is okay, because my weight loss will be a continued journey through the rest of my life, and I'm going to have many bumps and backslides.  And then I'm going to have an awesome week next week.  :)

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