Friday, October 2, 2009


YAY!  Jumped on the scale this morning, and what did I see?

-3.1 pounds!  Hot damn!

Which puts me at 197.8 pounds.  YIPPEEE!
So not only did I drop below 200, but I dropped below my original 10% goal.  I made that one a long time was to lose 10% of my starting weight, which would've been at 198.1, and I've surpassed that!

You guys, I'm so stoked.  I worked hard this week.  In water aerobics, and in not snack off of Justin's  Or Stephen's when we eat lunch in the Cub.  Yay!

Oh, and I do realize that this weigh-in in a day early.  I'm going to start weighing in on Fridays because it works better for me.  I have zero classes on Friday, and this way, the weekend will be the beginning of my weeks, and I feel that will better help me not cheat so much, because I always want to start my weeks out well.  So Fridays from now on.

SOOOO good.  :)

NEW GOAL:  (Always need to have this laying around for reference)  To get to 175 pounds.  (Why?)  Because 175 pounds is the weight I have to be to be considered "overweight" by the BMI and not "obese."  And let me tell you, it will be a great day when I weigh myself and the wii fit doesn't tell me I'm obese.  :)

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