Saturday, October 31, 2009

Unexpected, but nice.

Okay, I'm going to admit something here, but you can't judge me.  I'm human, I make mistakes.
I had McDonald's french fries this week.  OMG.
Haha, I got off work last weekend, and I was starving.  Everyone was at the volleyball game, and the last thing I wanted to do was go home and cook after working.  So I decided to grab something to eat on the way home.  McDonald's has those chicken breast sandwiches which aren't too bad if you cut the cheese and mayo, so I got into the drive thru to get one of those.  As soon as I got to the ordering thing, I could smell french fries.  (I think they cover the menu in the grease, or something.)  I look at the prices, and for only a dollar and some change more, I could have french fries and a diet coke with my sandwich.  So I say, what the hell, I'll only eat a couple and throw the rest out of the window.  hahaha, not even close.  As soon as I tasted those damn things, I devoured them.  Didn't even touch the sandwich, just devoured a medium french fry before I even made it back into Pullman from Moscow.  Like I said, I'm weak sometimes.  As soon as I got in the parking lot, I felt guilty.  Is that weird?  That certain foods make me feel guilty?  And then I was like, "okay, that wasn't that bad, I just won't tell anyone."  Haha, that seemed to make it worse.  I looked up the points when I got inside, and the sandwich I ordered was only 7 points, and the damn french fries were 8!  Still not end of the world amount of points, but still pretty bad.  And from there, I felt like I had cursed the rest of my week, because no matter what I did, I had those french fries looming over my head!

But besides all that, I got on the scale this morning, and boom!  -1.1 pounds.  I literally jumped off the wii fit board and danced a little bit.

So the moral of the stories is don't cheat kids, and no matter what anyone says, McDonald's french fries are freaking delicious, especially after not eating them for 6+ months.

Current weight: 194.4
Weight 'til next goal: 19.4

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