Saturday, July 17, 2010


+1.3 lbs.

Damn, talk about fluctuating weight loss and gain.
Frustrating.  The only thing I can attribute it to is the amount of bread products I've consumed this week.  I've had a pretty sour stomach a lot of nights, so I've just been eating bread.  It seems to be the only thing that calms my stomach down. 
And we went out to the bar after both soccer games and I had probably 2.5 beers each time.  While its fun, going out drinking after soccer games kind of cancels out the exercise.  :/

I have to go to work now, but for next week, I guess the goal is just to lose this gained weight, and then it will be finish losing the other gained weight.  This sucks, I'm not going to lie.

Current weight: 175.3 lbs
Weight to lose until 155:  20.2 lbs

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