Thursday, July 22, 2010

New goals

-1.4 pounds!

I lost what I gained last week.  Thank goodness.

I weighed this morning because we're leaving for Seattle tonight, so I won't have a chance to weigh again until I get back.
I only splurged once, and that was when I went to see Holly and Aiden off and stayed and had pizza at their place.  Other than that, I stayed healthy, didn't eat/sneak any "bad" foods, and even worked some exercise in besides soccer--after I got off work on Sunday Justin and I went for a walk.  And we went again on Monday night.  I love night walks.  :)  And we went swimming for a couple of hours on Tuesday before the soccer game.

Heading to Seattle for the weekend--I swear leaving my safe, dieting apartment always derails me.  This time I'm taking extra stuff with me.  I usually always take my popcorn to snack on, but I have extra bagel thins and half a loaf of bread that is going to go bad unless its gets eaten this weekend anyways, so I'm taking it with me to help keep me on track.

My ultimate goal this week is to still see a negative number on that scale next Friday, despite the trip home for the weekend.
I think I'm going to change my goal at the bottom of my journal entries.  I want to be in the 160's before classes start in late August.  I know that's a little more broad, but its something that I would love to be.  I think smaller goals always helped me before anyways, so we'll say I want to be 168 or lower when classes start on August 23rd.

Current weight: 173.9 lbs
Weight to lose to be 168 by 08/23/2010:  5.9 lbs

UPDATE: I just got this message from my friend Alecia, and it cracked me up!
"I'm eating a weight watchers meal in London :D"
 Then, right after that, I got this message:
 "I take my excitement back, it tastes awful.  I've never had any in America so I can't compare. But if this is the stuff you've been eating the last year then I envy your discipline and commitment, lol."


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