Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Body pic

I know people have been requesting this, especially my long lost friends who don't live in P-Town, so here it is.  Probably the first picture I've taken with my whole body in the picture since...well forever.  And I apoligize in advance, but I'm not all cool and emo and know how to take pictures of myself in a mirror.  (Why the hell do people do that all the time anyways?)  lol, anyways, here it is:

And just for a point of reference, so to speak, are some pictures of me in January (the one with Dan and Kim), and in May (with Tricia, Kim, and Lena.)  The biggest differences are in my face and stomach (and not to mention that dress was WAYYYY too small for me.  lol.)


  1. Congrats!!!

    ~Shawn Reed

  2. Girl, you look banging! Of course, you always have been. :)

