Thursday, January 5, 2012


There's nothing like moving to a place that requires you wear clothes that show your body all of the time.  Wearing my bathing suit yesterday nearly caused an anxiety attack.

I bought a scale at Value Village today.  We didn't bring the wii with us, so I won't be using the wii fit to weigh myself anymore.

First weigh in tomorrow morning.

I'm sorry if I let anyone down by "pausing" my journey.  I don't like to use the word quit because I still don't entirely view it that way, even though I know I've gained.  Denial.  I definitely let myself down.

But I'm checking the self loathing at the door, and starting anew once again. 
I wonder how many times I will say that in my life?  God knows I've already said it plenty.  Doesn't matter.

I'm only living in the present.  And the present is me finishing this immediate process and loving myself.  And then I only have to maintain my journey for the rest of my life, right?  :)

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