Saturday, July 18, 2009


Lost 3.1 pounds!! YAY! I'm so stoked.
Down to 213.4, which means 8 pounds altogether since I restarted. So excited.

This past week I was eating smarter, leaving more points not eaten at the end of the day. I switched to the spray butter, which has no fat or calories, compared to the 5 grams of fat in "lite" butter.

My goal this week is to eat more fruit between snacks. I did better with not snacking as much, and if I really needed to, I stuck to a box of raisins, or the random assortment of 100 calories packs that I have in the cupboard. (And most of them are chocolate of some sort, which is nice, because I have been having killer cravings for chocolate. haha.)

Today Justin and I are going to the water park. It's cute, and I can get more exercise by running up the stairs to the water slide! :)

1 comment:

  1. YAY Go Kayleen!!

    Im very proud of you! Keep up the good work.

    I recommend Wii fit too for when it becomes colder...some of the stuff on there is a brutal after about 40mins...
