Friday, January 8, 2010


Blah.  I was really disappointed this morning.  Got on the scale, and nada!  Still at 183.2.

I'm disappointed because we worked out so much this week.  We went 3 times, and I worked my ass off on the elliptical, and swam in the pool afterwards too.  Muscle building maybe?  I always hate to assume that that's what it is, since I honestly have no idea what it is.  Those crazy people on the Biggest Loser work out a lot and they lose weight!  Haha, well obviously I didn't work out as much as them, but still.

Okay, well I guess the only thing I can do is hold my head up high and look forward to a big number next week.  I can't wait to start water aerobics on Monday.  And Alecia and I are going to pick out a yoga class to take together in the evenings.  Woo exercise!

Current weight: 183.2 lbs
Weight to lose in order to be 'overweight' and not 'obese':  8.2 lbs

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