Friday, January 15, 2010

That's better.

-1.1 pounds.

Its something.  It's a number--so I'm happy.

Only had water aerobics on Wednesday, and we won't have it again until next Wednesday because of MLK day.  I'll just have to get my butt into the gym this weekend and Monday too to make up for it.  The rec is SO busy right now...I figure in another week the people that weren't serious about working out will stop coming, and it will be back to bearable again.   When Justin and I went on Monday, it was so packed it was making me uncomfortable.

I need to change up my eating habits, and find foods with fewer point values, especially for dinners.  I know I'm heading towards a plateau if I continue eating just like I am.  I actually wrote down everything I ate this week, and calculated points, and I was nearing if not hitting my maximum points each day.  So I need to tone them down, especially since when I hit my next goal (of being overweight, and not obese), I'm going to go down a point value again.  Time to explore some new recipes!  I found some ones made by the Biggest Loser the other day that looked pretty good.

Well I have to jet off to class.  See you next week!

Current weight: 182.1 lbs
Weight to lose in order to be 'overweight' and not 'obese':  7.1 lbs

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